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The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all Members on the pool premises (inside the fence). Other rules and regulations shall be posted at the pool and as shall be amended from time to time shall apply to all Members at all times. Any failure to comply with all rules and regulations shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of pool privileges for the offending Member(s) and can be considered cause for cancellation of membership.


Pool Hours


  1. The Board of Directors will determine the pool hours.

  2. Times may be reserved for senior lap swim, swim team practice, pool parties, and swimming lessons. The Board will determine the times and give members notice, if needed.

  3. The Lifeguards will be in attendance at all times during any swimming hours.


Member's Responsibility


All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. The organization will not be responsible for any accident or injury in connection with such use.

  1. Each member must sign in at the guard stand when entering each day.  Membership card must be available at all times to be shown to gain entry.  Giving your card to a non-member for access will result in your membership being revoked.

  2. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible member.

  3. No abusive language.

  4.  Members shall drive slowly and carefully on driveway and parking areas.

  5.  Persons under the influence of intoxicants will be denied entrance to the Center.

  6. The Center will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property.

  7.  No overt familiarity.


Health and Safety


   1.  All children under the age of 12 years must be directly under the supervision of a parent/guardian at all times regardless of          swimming ability and Lifeguard being on stand.

   2. The wading pool is restricted to children under the age of 7 years. All children using the wading pool must be directly                 under the supervision of an adult at all times regardless of swimming ability, as this pool does not have a dedicated                   lifeguard.

   3. Children over 12 years of age and who have demonstrated their ability to swim the length of the main pool may use the             main pool under the supervision of the Lifeguard on duty.  Children at this age are not allowed to watch younger siblings             in the place of a parent.

   4. The throwing of any objects is prohibited without the permission of the Lifeguard on duty.

   5. No food or drink in or near pool.

   6. Chewing of gum will not be permitted on the pool premises.

   7. No alcohol on pool premises.

   8. No running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undo disturbance in or about the pool proper.

   9. No smoking or vaping on the pool premises.

  10.No pets will be permitted on the premises at any time.

  11.Only one person at a time permitted on diving board.

  12.Notify Lifeguard of issues as quickly as possible.

  13.Do not distract the Lifeguard while they are on the stand working.

  14.Only water balls will be allowed on pool premises.  Any other balls must be used outside the fenced area.


Guest Passes


  1. If any member brings a guest (anyone not listed on your membership form), they must purchase a day pass for each guest and complete the guest paperwork.  This must happen each day a guest comes.  Members are responsible for their guests while at the pool.

  2. No more than 5 guests per family membership at any time.

***Rules subject to change at any time at the discretion of the SCSC Board and Management. ***

Revised 2/2025

Call us:


Visit us: 

1035 W. Locust Street  Seaford, DE 19973

Send us mail: 

P.O. Box 1100,  Seaford, DE 19973

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